Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where to begin...

OK how bout this....

So if you haven't heard there is a phenomenon out there called PostSecret.

One sends in their darkest secrets on a post card and they are posted online and/or added to one of the many books that have been published. Some people even leave new ones in the books at bookstores and if you purchase a book you get your very own personal secrets left by a stranger.

One day I was browsing the site, realizing that I am not alone in a lot of my shame and secrets, as none of us are, and I found this post

I dedicate this first post to whoever wrote this, because no only is this not weird but its telling of the feelings that Jesus evokes. Just like I get a crush on Ewan McGreggor (of all people!!) watching Moulin Rouge because of his character, so it makes sense one would get a crush on the character playing Jesus.

A lot of people don't know that Jesus and God is referred to very often throughout Isaiah, Hosea, and Song of Solomon this relationship is implied. Jesus calls himself the groom and the church the bride! So you're not weird at all, whoever you are. And thank you, this secret really made my day.

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