Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow in New York City

So I know that they didn't film Chronicles of Narnia here, but this is exactly what central park looks like in the Snow.

My boyfriend and I had a great snow day. It was coming down all day last weekend so we went out to the park, and slipped and slided down the snowy/icy steep pathways at the ramble in new york city, near the pond that has rowboats other times of the year. We were struck by how with no pavement or life in sight, witih big beautiful lamp posts. We felt like we were in a forest, with lamp posts. Much like....narnia! Beautiful. If any of you are on vacation in NYC and it is snowing, come to the Ramble at Central park. It is on the upper west side. If you enter the park around W 78th st(i don't know if there is an entrance there) and walk straight in you should find it. Walk up the narrow winding paths, just make sure to hold the rail because you'll probably go flying! Enjoy!

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